
Luis Sandoval 8.5876665 - 90976802

martes, 24 de julio de 2012

La Genesis del Metal

Este es una reedicion del pedal Zoom trimetal que hace mucho tiempo se descontinuó para darle paso a los juguetes digitales que por lo cierto no se asemejan en nada a los otrora pedales vintage si asi se les quiere llamar.
Con un grabado en aluminio mas bien tosco de acuerdo a la idea del nombre media paleolitica, pero en fin estoy en deuda con el video para que lo escuchen y vean los que aun no lo han hecho.

3 comentarios:

  1. hello, my name is Ariyasa from Bali-Indonesia.
    based on your comment on, you told that your project has completely done and work.
    as an information, i've tried the same project as yours but it has a different result. unfortunately, my project's just "silent", no noise or signal at all.
    as a comparison or a correction for my project, may be you would like to give me any suggestion or a way out for my "illness of its silent". i worked so hard to build it up but nothing to have.
    may be, this's embarrassing you where i put a comment not in a right place. but back to the point, i need your help for my "silent"..
    thank you very much.

  2. if you please to reply, please send me a message to my email above. thank you very very much..

  3. if you pleased to reply, please send me a message to my inbox of my email.
    thank you very very much..
